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a year ago

Global Lychee Market is segmented by Lychee type (Emperor Lychee Fruit, Mauritius Lychee Fruit, Sweetheart Lychee Fruit, Brewster Lychee Fruit, Haak Yip Lychee Fruit and Others), by Import and Export (Volume and Value), by consumption type (volume and value), Regional Forecasts 2021-2027

Global Lychee Market is valued approximately at USD XX billion in 2020 and is anticipated to grow with a healthy growth rate of more than 3.5% over the forecast period 2021-2027. Lychee is the sole member of the genus Litchi in the soapberry family, Sapindaceae, grown for its edible fruit. China, India, and Vietnam are the major producers of lychee in the globe.  for instance, Southeast As...

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a year ago

Global Dried Lychee Industry Research Report, Growth Trends and Competitive Analysis 2022-2028

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This latest report researches the industry structure, sales, revenue, price and gross margin. Major producers' production locations, market shares, industry ranking and profiles are presented. The primary and secondary research is done in order to access up-to-date government regulations, market information and industry data. Data were collected from the Dried Lychee manufact...

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Lychee Market

The tropical fruit known as lychee is originally from China but is now grown all over the world, including Southeast Asia, South America, and Africa. The term "lychee market" describes the production, handling, distribution, and retail of this fruit on a global scale. The market for lychees is steadily expanding as a result of rising interest in exotic fruits, their health advantages, and varied culinary applications.


The following are some of the most recent market trends and elements:

A rise in the demand for organic and environmentally friendly lychee products as a result of consumers' increased awareness of these issues. Due to their distinctive flavor, advantageous properties, and adaptability, lychee-based beverages like lychee tea, lychee juice, and lychee wine are becoming increasingly popular. Lychee is becoming more popular in maquillage and personal care products because of its antioxidant and moisturizing qualities. The expansion of online and e-commerce distribution and sales channels for lychee products has created new business opportunities for small-scale exporters and producers. Increasing attention is paid to the study and creation of new lychee varieties with enhanced flavor, yield, and pest and disease resistance.


Here are some of the market's growth and driving forces:

Due to shifting consumer preferences and lifestyles, there is an increasing demand for exotic and healthy fruits in developed and emerging markets. Growing international trade and the globalization of food markets have made it easier for lychee products to travel across borders and regions. Expansion of lychee production and cultivation in existing and new markets, supported by the government, modern technology, and favorable climatic conditions. Increasing knowledge of the health advantages of lychee, which is thought to have anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-aging properties and is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.


Here are some of the market's risks and difficulties:

Adverse weather conditions, such as hurricanes, floods, and droughts, can have an impact on lychee quality and production and change prices. Outbreaks of diseases and pests that can harm lychee trees and lower yields, such as fruit flies and anthracnose. Competition from other tropical fruits, like mango, papaya, and pineapple, which might have comparable nutrient and flavor profiles and might be more easily accessible in some markets.


Here are some of the market's opportunities:

Lychee product diversification and value-added processing, such as lychee syrups, dried fruits, and jams, can boost market demand and produce higher margins. Expansion of lychee cultivation and production in untapped markets like Africa, South America, and the Middle East may present new business opportunities for exporters and producers. To increase production, quality, and market accessibility, there should be cooperation and partnerships between lychee growers, exporters, and other stakeholders like research facilities, governmental organizations, and international organizations.


Hainan Nanguo Tropical Fruit Co., Ltd., Guangdong Zhongsheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Mabroc Teas (Pvt) Ltd., Ningbo Dacheng Fruit Co., Ltd., Fujian Minzhong Organic Food Co., Ltd., etc. are a few of the major companies in the world lychee market.

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