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Agricultural Pumps Market

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2 years ago

Global Agricultural Pumps Market Size study, by Type (Rotodynamic Pumps, Positive Displacement Pumps), Power Source (Electricity-grid Connection, Diesel/Petrol, Solar), End-Use (Irrigation, Livestock Watering) and Regional Forecasts 2020-2027

Global Agricultural Pumps Market is valued approximately USD 3.9 billion in 2019 and is anticipated to grow with a healthy growth rate of more than 7.6 % over the forecast period 2020-2027. Agricultural Pumps are utilized in farming sector to transport water through pipes from sources such as dams, storage facilities, water tanks, bore wells and rivers. These pumps aid the farmers need for wate...

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Agricultural Pumps Market

The global market for pumps used in various agricultural applications, including irrigation, water supply, and livestock management, is called the "agricultural pumps market." Agricultural pumps are essential for increasing agricultural productivity and effectively using water resources.


A growing population, the adoption of modern agricultural techniques, and government programs that support sustainable agricultural practices are some factors driving the market for agricultural pumps. The market offers many pumps, including centrifugal, submersible, and positive displacement models.


The following are some of the most recent market trends and elements:

Shift towards Solar-Powered Pumps: There is a growing trend towards adopting solar-powered pumps as the need for energy-efficient and sustainable agricultural practices grows. These pumps support sustainable farming practices by lowering energy costs and carbon emissions.


Precision Agriculture Trend: The demand for agricultural pumps with advanced features like variable speed drives, pressure sensors, and flow meters is driven by the precision agriculture trend. These pumps can aid farmers in minimizing waste and maximizing water use, increasing crop yields and profitability.


Here are some of the market's growth and driving forces:

Population Growth and Food Demand: By 2050, the world's population is projected to increase to 9.7 billion people, increasing the demand for food and agricultural goods. Pumps used in agriculture are essential for increasing crop yields and ensuring food security.


Governmental Initiatives Supporting Sustainable Agriculture: To increase water conservation and lessen environmental impact, governments worldwide promote sustainable agricultural practices. This is boosting demand for environmentally friendly and energy-efficient agricultural pumps.


Here are some of the market's risks and difficulties:

Dependence on Weather: Because weather conditions can change suddenly, they have a significant impact on the availability of water. Farmers who depend on irrigation pumps to irrigate their crops may be at risk.


Lack of Knowledge and Technical Expertise: Many farmers may be unaware of the advantages of agricultural pumps, and it's also possible that they lack the technical knowledge required to install and maintain these pumps.


Here are some of the market's opportunities:

Drip irrigation is becoming increasingly popular, increasing the demand for pumps with cutting-edge features and technologies.


Agriculture in Developing Countries Expanding: Developing agriculture in developing nations is opening up new business opportunities for producers of agricultural pumps. The market for agricultural pumps has a sizable potential for expansion due to the rising demand for food and agricultural products in these nations.


Grundfos, Xylem Inc., Sulzer Ltd., KSB SE & Co. KGaA, The Weir Group PLC, Kirloskar Brothers Limited, Ebara Corporation, Wilo SE, and Gardner Denver Holdings, Inc. are important market participants in the agricultural pump sector.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to compare reports on Agricultural Pumps Market?

You can easily select multiple reports on Agricultural Pumps Market published by different publishers.

Can i compare reports on Agricultural Pumps Market?

Yes you can compare reports on Agricultural Pumps Market by TOC, price and published date.

How to Compare Table of Contents of Agricultural Pumps Market Reports?

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